Electronic cigarettes and the use of e-liquids

Electronic cigarettes and the use of e-liquids with or without nicotine are designed to help smokers to quit. Based on this premise, an inhalation should produce a quantity of vapor similar to that of a cigarette puff. Other uses, such as generating huge clouds, or performing skill competitions with steam, are far from the purpose of the interesting device, but the human mammal always finds ways to justify questionable uses of almost everything that passes through its hands.

There are studies that indicate that the reduction in risks achieved with the use of electronic cigarettes, with respect to tobacco consumption, can be up to 95%, which is a really interesting figure, provided that the user is correct, and this includes the quality of the electronic device, the composition and quality of the e-liquids, and moderate and reasonable consumption. This last piece of advice I think is applicable to all the substances we consume and the activities we carry out. CBD TINCTURES.
All e-liquids on the market are basically composed of Propylene Glycol, or PG, and Vegetable Glycerin, or GV, in different proportions or percentages, and flavorings. They can also contain distilled water in a small percentage. And they should not contain other types of additives, which is important information as we will see later.
There are e-liquids on the market with CBD and terpenes, in different percentages of CBD and terpenic profiles. In this case, terpenes could be classified as flavorings. The current legislation in Europe prohibits the commercialization of products with CBD as a dietary supplement, but its use in e-liquid would not be food.
Propylene glycol (PG), should be the basic component used in e-liquids; It is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless organic alcohol compound. The acute oral toxicity of a single dose of PG is very low. Chronic oral toxicity too. Due to this low oral toxicity, PG has been generally recognized as safe for many years, and bactericidal properties have even been attributed to it.
As for its applications, they are very wide: as a humectant in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, and tobacco, as a flavoring and coloring solvent in foods (cheeses, ice creams, milk, etc.) and beverages (food additive E1520), as antifreeze for food, in artificial smoke machines for firefighter training and theatrical productions, as an ingredient in cosmetics, baby products, in many medicines, hand sanitizers, antibacterial lotions, and saline solutions. Buy Dank Vapes online
Until now, in the countries of the European Union, its use in food for human consumption is regulated by the Directive of the Parliament and the European Council No. 95/2 / EC for food additives that are no dyes or sweeteners. Its carcinogenesis has also been studied, being negative.
All these studies refer to the use of oral or topical PG, but there are not many studies on its administration or use by inhaled route in the medium and long term. But it must be taken into account that electronic cigarettes have been used for 16 years, and no pathology that can be related to correct and reasonable use of these devices has ever been detected epidemiologically.
Vegetable glycerin or glycerol (GV) is a clear, odorless liquid made from plant oils, especially palm, soy, or coconut oil. GV has a number of valuable applications including cosmetic products, food, and as an alcohol substitute in botanical and herbaceous tinctures.
Vegetable glycerin used in food manufacturing is endorsed by the US Pharmacopeia (USP), must be greater than 99% pure, and taste sweet. Vegetable glycerin is metabolized differently from sugar and is used in low carbohydrate foods to provide sweetness and moisture. Unlike sugar, glycerin does not cause dental problems. CBD BALMS
GV can be used as a diluent and as an alcohol substitute to prepare herbal extracts or tinctures. This is an advantage for people who want to avoid exposure to alcohol.
Vegetable glycerin, due to its lipid characteristics, can generate respiratory problems when consumed in excess, we always have to check the percentage of GV that the e-liquids contain, the higher it is, the more possibilities of generating problems if we consume it in excess. Health problems derived from the use of electronic cigarettes are directly related to the percentage of GV, the higher the percentage, the more chances of having respiratory problems.
Before going into this topic, we will go back to 2014. The first case of lipoid pneumonia diagnosed in Spain (the second in the world) was diagnosed in A Coruña in 2014. The patient, a “major smoker”, consumed some two daily packs of tobacco. But when he ‘switched’ to the electronic cigarette, he consumed five daily charges, the equivalent of five packs. His addiction intensified in such a way that this consumption of e-liquid with a high percentage of vegetable glycerin, he came to put his life at risk, and had to be admitted to the hospital until his recovery. After being discharged, the man has returned to traditional tobacco, although he tries to moderate his consumption. What caused the problem was the accumulation of vegetable glycerin, a lipid that accumulated in the patient’s lungs, preventing proper oxygenation. “If the consumption of electronic cigarettes is maintained, in a short time more cases of lipoid pneumonia can be diagnosed,” said Carlos Jiménez, director of tobacco research at the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery. And it goes further: “It is a disease that can be serious and even fatal if it affects a person with a previous insufficiency”. Obviously, this consumption is excessive, and surely thee-liquids contained a GV percentage of at least 50%, which facilitates the appearance of problems, always in relation to abuse and the GV percentage. To date, another lipoid pneumonia has not been detected again despite the obsolete regulation of the products and the misuse of the electronic cigarette that many users make.
What is happening in the USA currently? An “epidemic in vapers” appears, presenting serious respiratory problems, related to the inhalation of e-liquid containing THC. This was the initial news! vapes for sale.
The first medical analysis is oriented towards lipoid pneumonia, but it is soon ruled out:
“While we cannot rule out the potential role of lipids, we have seen nothing to suggest that this is a problem caused by lipid accumulation in the lungs. Instead, it appears to be some kind of direct chemical injury, similar to what one could see with exposures to toxic chemical fumes, poisonous gases, and toxic agents, ” says Brandon Larsen, MD, Ph.D., a surgical pathologist at Mayo Clinic Arizona and a national expert in lung pathology.
The health problem generated in the USA, which has been directly related to the use of electronic cigarettes and THC, deserves a thorough analysis, since the explanation is simple, but unfortunately at the time of writing this article, 39 people have died and more than two a thousand have sequelae or are seriously ill. If we are using contaminated e-liquids, or wrongly formulated with toxic products, we will have problems. If the components of an electronic cigarette, such as the e-liquid tank, are contaminated by bacteria or fungi or are handled and filled without the necessary hygienic conditions, we have a problem. Many users of electronic cigarettes make their own e-liquids worse, they are marketed in a market without regulation or control, and therefore, the hygienic conditions and the quality of the products used will determine whether the final product is fit for consumption or can generate problems. If we have used a product derived from cannabis to make an e-liquid, if the herb or extract is contaminated, with pesticides or heavy metals, for example, the final product will cause problems in the short or medium term, and it no longer depends not even the use of the electronic cigarette. If the components of the e-liquid are not correct or the concentrations are wrong, we can, of course, even cause deaths.
Tocopherol acetate (Vit E) that has antioxidant properties, and is used in the food or pharmaceutical industry, has been one of the causes of this disaster, since the company Honey Cut (2), has been marketing an alternative diluent to PG and GV, with an explosive composition, 90 to 95% pure vitamin E acetate!, And the rest other forms of vitamin E. Honey Cut has also achieved very high market levels in e-liquid diluents, the reason why this fact has aggravated the number of affected. If we follow the production chain, this already very problematic Honey Cut diluent reaches, for example, the Huffhines brothers (5), from Winsconsin, already accused, who make a mixture of the diluent with cannabis extract contaminated with myclobutanil, hexane, butane, propane, etc. Neither are the hygienic conditions correct, nor the knowledge to carry out these formulations. In the state of California alone, there are some 2,800 stores that sell these products without any control; which leaves the situation in the hands of the government, which must face the problem and regulate this market to avoid serious health problems, which are generated by the lack of regulation and control of the products. Buy Hemp products.
But the initial intention has been clear, to take advantage of the situation to attack electronic cigarettes and cannabis, without any objective data, and with scientific confusion, accompanied by a lack of knowledge on this subject by the social agents who have managed the crisis. We also have to assess the products that arrive from the Chinese market, without the controls or the necessary information about the products and their composition. I think it is a global problem to regulate this market since we can avoid health problems and take advantage of a very useful resource for smokers who want to quit the toxic tobacco habit, which has so many negative implications for our health. If we value recent information, It has become clear that states that have regulated the cannabis market have been able to better control the situation by being able to exercise more effective control to withdraw illegal products. Most cases have occurred in unregulated states. It is clear that the black market and the lack of regulation are the basis of the problem in the USA. It must be said in their favor that in the state of California (5), in the last year and a half, licensed cannabis products and lots have been withdrawn (about 5,000), due to incorrect labeling, presence of pesticides, residual solvents, or heavy metals. Legal access to these products makes their control effective or does not exist. Obviously it is clear that the problem that has cost many human lives, has nothing to do with the electronic cigarette, nor with the habit of vaping, the cause is the lack of regulation and control of this market. I hope that this situation does not influence the legislative attitude of other countries, as happened with cannabis in the middle of the last century, and culminated in the signing of the UN convention in Geneva in 1961, in which cannabis became a narcotic in list 1.
With responsible vaporization and quality control of e-liquids, in addition to the use of suitable vaporizers, we can reduce the possible risks of consuming e-liquids, and if we compare the risks of vaping with tobacco consumption, we can reduce considerably the health problems derived from its use. In fact, vaporization is an alternative to quitting tobacco use, and if you replace it, the health benefits are more than remarkable. The quality of the flavorings, CBD or terpenes, that we can find in the different e-liquids, is essential to avoid problems derived from toxicity or even contamination. Many vapers use e-liquids of those who do not know the composition, and it really should be the governments that regulate and do not prohibit, even if it is easier for their abilities, these alternatives to smoking that so much concern some pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, with their product Champix (Varenicline), which is the only product in Spain that finances the public health system, to detoxify tobacco. According to the newspaper Der Spiegel, this pharmaceutical company has been financing campaigns against the electronic cigarette in Europe, and if this news is true, it is because they are concerned about losing the market with their pharmaceutical product, given the effectiveness of the electronic cigarette in giving up the smoking habit. Obviously, the use of electronic cigarettes does not ensure success in tobacco cessation, Buy dank vape carts online

Technical tips for using electronic cigarettes

We propose a counter-current use, since currently, the use of the electronic cigarette encourages sub-ohm vaporization, with very low resistances of 0.15 / 0.30 ohm, and powers greater than 200W in some devices, which translates into almost immediate incandescence of the resistance, which generates temperatures of up to 400º. By adding a high proportion of GV in the e-liquid (40 to 80%), an extraordinary amount of steam is achieved. But we do not get the best flavor, its use is focused on the production of steam in large quantities, not to achieve complex flavors with many nuances.

Is this a logical use of the electronic cigarette? We think not.

Vaping sessions should be productive, but we don’t have to wait for lush vapor clouds, we opted for a reasonable amount of vapor, which can mimic a cigarette puff. We will achieve this with e-liquids with low percentages of GV, at most 20% would be advisable, but we do not currently find them on the market with this formulation! The problem is the GV, the PG is more secure, although probably not harmless. Reasonable consumption and correct use.
The taste level can be increased if we use resistances of 1 to 2 ohms in our atomizers, both repairable, and “all in one”, which translates into a slower increase in temperature, without reaching the incandescence of the resistance, and therefore at high temperatures (300º to 400º). These temperatures can generate compounds such as acroleins or formaldehyde and are not necessary to transport the e-liquids.. Therefore, we minimize that carcinogens are generated efficiently if we compare them with those derived from the combustion of a cigarette. We also recommend vaporizing between 15w to 30w, in vaporizers with watt control. The vaping “pods” devices that we find in the market already follow these guidelines, sanity, and logic have been installed in these devices, finally, if we compare with the use of “mods” and atomizers with resistances of 0.15 ohms and up to 200 watts of power! Rapid incandescence of resistance and high temperatures that can generate carcinogens, always in relation to the quality of the components of the device and obviously of the e-liquid. Buy medical cannabis
Do not forget to periodically maintain and clean the tank, for example, with isopropyl alcohol and warm water, and also, renew the heating elements according to the frequency of use. If we change e-liquid without cleaning the tank and changing the resistance, the flavors will mix initially. For foodies, having several atomizers allows you to taste the different e-liquids without mixing flavors. Keep in mind that the e-liquid from the atomizer should not be rushed, because it can burn cotton and the burning flavor is inevitable, we have to change the resistance or repair it if we use repairable atomizers.
Electronic cigarettes are not intended to start vaping as the first step to subsequent tobacco use, nothing further from its indication. We think they are interesting for tobacco smokers who want to have support in the substitution of the cigarette for the habit of vaping, which greatly reduces the risks of inhalation of smoke after cigarette combustion.

I will continue defending the use of the electronic cigarette, always adopting the risk prevention measures that we recommend and its philosophy of consumption. Dank vapes for sale